Artificial Intelligence is the science and practice of systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate with intelligent human behavior. In the first session we will look at the question of “what is AI?” How are probability models, optimization, and machine learning implemented? Session two will focus on “AI and Corporate America” as we discuss some of the applications of AI in business and whether AI needs regulation. The third session will view “AI around the World” as we look at some of the applications affecting international relations and how the US should respond.

The course will give you a practical grounding in the science of artificial intelligence. You will acquire the ability to identify, discuss, and evaluate issues surrounding existing and novel AI applications.


Lawrence Rudner, Ph.D.

Working in academia, government, and industry over his career, Larry received several lifetime achievement awards. His work in AI includes the design/development of the first engines for Automated Essay Scoring and Computer Adaptive Testing. He also developed an AI approach for documenting copyright infringements for which he received a US Patent. He was Executive Director of ERIC Clearinghouses and co-editor of the most popular online measurement journal. The principal investigator on more than 40 grants and contracts and the author of more than 150 articles for both technical and lay audiences, Larry recently retired as the Vice President for Research and Development at the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC®), sponsor of the GMAT® exam. Larry holds an MBA from the Smith School at Univ of Maryland and a Ph.D. in Psychology from The Catholic University of America.

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