Course Library

All Chesapeake Forum Library Courses are available FREE OF CHARGE.  After clicking the “Course Details” button to open a course, you will find the YouTube links for the course session(s), and in newer courses, links to any handouts that might have been provided, at the bottom of the course description. Simply click the link(s) to get to the YouTube Video recording.


  • Topics

Normal Aging
Learn how to make the most of the aging process and the challenges of becoming a caregiver.
Comm Skills
Communication needs change as we age, whether naturally or due to neurological challenges. Ms. Cornette will address some of the challenges as well as ways to acquire lasting communication skills.
Communication Skills
Avoiding Slips And Falls
Creating Self Sufficiency
Create Your Own Vision Board
epidemics in md
George Merrill
Women's Health 2
Healthy Brain
Healthy And Mobile At Any Age
I’ve Adopted You Now What
Medication Tips And Tricks
Aging 2
Cycling 3
Man With Brain Stroke Symptoms
Join acclaimed author and public speaker, Thomas Broussard, Ph.D., as he shares his own stroke experience from the perspective of a stroke survivor. This two session course will cover neuroplasticity and how to help the brain repair itself. OFFERED AT NO CHARGE.
Man With Brain Stroke Symptoms
Talk To Dr
Do you sometimes leave your doctor's office and then realize that you forgot to mention something important? This course will help you talk to your doctor and other practical tips related to healthcare.
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