Join us as Katherine Marconi and Mary Jordan give us a world tour of recent challenges and accomplishments in improving women’s health in a variety of countries – following the 2023 Women’s History Month theme of “Telling our Stories.”

Katherine and Mary have both had projects in Malawi, Ethiopia, and South Africa and will also talk about issues and concerns in Afghanistan. In their focus on these three countries, they will describe recent health trends, underlying social determinants of health in each country, and their journeys to form public-private partnerships to improve health in each country.

From Ukraine to Sudan to the Americas, violence, poverty, new infectious diseases, forced migration, and discrimination have created communities of women with limited access to health services. Katherine will show a video from an African physician she teaches with, who is currently providing care for women, children, and adolescents in several countries. Through her you will be exposed to the experiences of working with communities of women who have limited access to health care.

You will learn about and discuss unique approaches to improving women’s health, and be part of a dialogue about what it might be like living in a country under these health conditions.

What to Expect: 

Expect to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the health status of women around the world. You will learn about current approaches for reaching women at risk for disease and injury.

Katherine Marconi

Katherine Marconi, Ph.D.

Katherine Marconi recently retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore, where she taught global health and epidemiology. She still teaches a Global Women's Health class. She received her doctorate from George Washington University and a Master's Degree from the University of Maryland Global Campus. Most of her public health career was spent in the federal and Pennsylvania State governments, where she worked in global and domestic HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care; and chronic diseases. She has published numerous articles and book chapters on public health topics, including the health of women. One of her passions is translating complex information into understandable concepts to improve public health.

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