Course Library

All Chesapeake Forum Library Courses are available FREE OF CHARGE.  After clicking the “Course Details” button to open a course, you will find the YouTube links for the course session(s), and in newer courses, links to any handouts that might have been provided, at the bottom of the course description. Simply click the link(s) to get to the YouTube Video recording.


  • Topics

Professor David W. Blight’s virtual live lecture will draw past and present together by focusing on Frederick Douglass’ key legacies. You are welcome to join a live Q&A following the lecture.
Talbot Resolves
Walk Through Talbot County History
Anna Ella Carroll and Harriet Tubman are asking for government pensions. You will decide.
Autumn Color Walk
Birds And Birding, Part 2.1
Birds Birdng
In collaboration with Pickering Creek Audubon Center, three (virtual) classes that focus on Eastern Shore songbirds that grace the Eastern Shore landscape. No birding experience needed.
Birds And Birding Loon
Got waterfowl? Want to see some loons and gannets? How about a warbler or two and maybe even an elusive rail? A “yes” to any or all of these questions qualifies you for this course, with no birding experience necessary.
Birds Ecology3
Participate in class sessions and field trips to identify local birds while learning ecological concepts that both inform and challenge our working landscape past, present and future.
Chesapeake Crabs 1
Explore the diverse story of Blue Crabs, the Bay’s staple seafood, and their complex adaptation.
Good Bad Talbot
Compare Talbot County with other Maryland counties to see the differences in education, rates of crime, housing availability, etc.
What does ‘systemic racism’ really mean? Is there a difference between ‘equality’ and ‘equity’? Join our program presenters and hear a panel of Talbot County community leaders discuss what’s happening in the County.
Human Trafficking 2
Randle Landscape
Learn about native plant solutions to common gardening questions, as well as the many reasons "going native" is so important to the well being of our Chesapeake Bay environment.
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