Two motion pictures form comparison and contrast on how young Americans discover the path to personal success.   In “Stand & Deliver,” high school students from the East Los Angeles barrio overcome low expectation biases in order to succeed in passing the Advanced Placement Calculus Exam.   Conversely, “The Ultimate Gift” protagonist is the grandson of a Texas oil billionaire who, through his inherited affluence, never learned the crucial life lessons of hard work and meaningful interpersonal relationships.  Using excerpts from the movies, Bob will focus the discussion on the common denominators which allow young Americans to reach their full potential, including: 

  • Setting appropriate expectations
  • Creating incremental and achievable goals
  • Developing personal accountability
  • The roles of integrity, work ethic, problem solving, leadership, self-esteem

Bob DeGour

Since retiring, Bob DeGour has become a fixture at Eastern Shore schools as not only a U.S. Naval Academy Blue & Gold Officer but also the Founder/Director of a summer STEM camp for elementary school children whose instructors are middle and high school students.  His never-tiring efforts to give back find him in and out of the schools mentoring young people and assisting with BioMed and Geopolitics courses. Bob is a 1973 U.S. Naval Academy graduate and was the first midshipman to study concurrently in a civilian university post-graduate program.

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