Join Mickey Terrone as he unravels the captivating tale of the Confederate States of America, the nation formed in 1861 by the secession from the Union of 11 southern states. Join this immersive exploration that transcends textbooks and delves deep into the creation, as well as the complex events that eventually caused the collapse of the Confederate experiment four years after it began.
In this course, we’ll traverse the corridors of power, from President Jefferson Davis and his cabinet, to both houses of the Confederate Congress. Learn of pivotal legislative acts that shaped the Confederate effort as President Davis and the two houses grappled with the monumental task of building a new government while navigating the unforgiving currents of a brutal struggle for survival.
As we dissect the cascade of events leading to the collapse in 1865, you’ll gain a profound understanding of how political, economic, military, and social factors converged to shape the destiny of the Confederacy.
What to Expect: Immerse yourself in the genesis, tumultuous development, and ultimate failure of the Confederate Government. Together, we’ll decode the impact of political, economic, social, and military challenges, and explore the complexities of creating, equipping, and supplying armies in cooperation with state authorities. Learn of the factors that ultimately led to the Confederate Government’s collapse.
Feedback from past courses with Mickey:
“Can’t wait for the next series!”
“Excellent forum with a highly knowledgeable leader. Thank you so much…. thoroughly enjoyed it!”
“Mickey was very knowledgeable and could answer questions asked of him. He was an expert, excellent teacher and presenter.”
Here are your links to the YouTube Recordings of each course session as well as the handouts folder: