During this single session class you will join me on two flights. First we fly a Skyship 600 Airship from which we capture Air-To-Air video of “Crazy Horse” P-51 from a unique perspective. Then we will jump in the Mustang and fly like you’ve never flown before! You may want to use a seat-belt as we fly many acrobatic maneuvers and do some low-level attack runs on a (practice) SAM missile site with two views of video from the cockpit. We’ll finish up with a pretty decent landing directly into the sun, an hour’s flight condensed down to 30 minutes. I’ll take questions at the end.


Hunter H. Harris

Hunter is a native Eastern Sho' farm boy (several generations Chesapeake Bayfront farm) who loves anything mechanical or flyable. Holds FAA Commercial Pilots license for all 'categories' and most 'classes' of aircraft, also FAA licensed Aircraft Mechanic and FAA Certified Flight Instructor. Hunter is an elected member of The Society of Experimental Test Pilots, as well as a former FAA Aviation Rulemaking Committee Member. International award-winning Aerial Photographer, unemployed blimp pilot and a bunch of other stuff.

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