Angela and Dodie are back with this popular course!  

We know that marriage is not forever. There is always the possibility of divorce, disability, and death when you least expect it. Contemplating the loss of a spouse makes us think about grief and all of the horrible tasks that must be handled: the funeral, the obituary, cleaning out your spouse’s things…  But what you don’t know is what will get you.  And it can be worse than you think. 

For example: Did you know that if you are applying for survivor’s benefits and your spouse was divorced, you must have the ex’s marriage license, divorce decree, and divorce settlement, even if it occurred 50 years before? 

This course will prepare you for what you will need, so that you can focus on your personal grief and your family. We will help you identify tasks that you can delegate to loved ones, and tasks that you shouldn’t delegate. There are many wonderful people who want to help and not so wonderful people that want to take advantage of you. Learn how to recognize them.

The column that Angela wrote for Talbot Spy earlier this year, that depicted her experiences after the death of her spouse, got the highest readership and comments — all from widows and widowers who said how much they wished they had known about what was coming.   Now you can learn how to avoid these unnecessary surprises.

What to Expect:  This course will help you not be gobsmacked by unexpected chores that fall on the survivor.  Spouses of both genders will learn the importance of preparing for divorce or the death or disability of a spouse. They will learn what to do and how to heal.  Please note:  Specific Current Personal questions about taxes or finances should be directed to your financial advisors.

Due to the private nature of this discussion, it will NOT be recorded.

IN PERSON course at the Easton Family YMCA (No Recording) 

2 Sessions | Wednesday, June 7 and Thursday, June 8 | 10–11:30 am | $30

Feedback from Angela and Dodie’s last course:

“I only wish I could absorb all that info.  I will be studying the handouts!”

“Thank you for the meaningful seminar.”

“I learned so much–some of it scary in terms of what I don’t know.  Thank you so much.”

Angela rieck

Angela Rieck, Ph.D.

Angela Rieck, Ph.D. is a Caroline County native. She received her Ph.D in Mathematical Psychology from the University of Maryland, and worked as a scientist at Bell Labs and other high-tech companies in New Jersey before retiring as a corporate executive. Angela and her dogs divide their time between St. Michaels and Key West, Florida. Her daughter lives and works in New York City.

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