Why are we so divided in our interpretations of the news? Lynn is back with a discussion focussed on how the technology in our lives influences our view of what is happening and as a result, divides us further and further from being able to find common ground.
Lynn will moderate this discussion course about the impact of information technologies in dividing us. Where are we heading? Where will we end up? How are we, as educated consumers of the news, to discern the truth? (Hint: It is no longer Walter Cronkite on the evening news.)
We’ll spread the discussion into three sessions looking at:
1) How the big tech companies shape the information we see,
2) Their impact on shaping our views, and
3) Concerns going forward as we approach the reality of artificial intelligence.
Course materials will be provided in advance.
What to expect:
This course will be based on a format much like the Great Decisions discussion format. Handouts ahead of time to set the stage, a short video and PowerPoint Presentation shown at the beginning of each session, then moderated discussion.
Feedback from Lynn’s past courses:
“Loved this session on a prime topic of our day. Lynn included a terrific syllabus and could have used many more sessions to delve further into separate aspects of the ever-changing and spreading reach of all forms of social media. This course should be offered as updated information we need each year!”
“Outstanding research, perfect 30-minute presentation, and great discussion from everyone. It couldn’t have been better!”
“The discussion was organized, thorough, even-handed, and civil. Very informative and helpful. The participants aided the process and, I think, its productive results.”
Course Links (Course videos used for discussion only, discussions not included):