What to believe?  Why were poll results off by so much in the 2016 and 2020 elections? Unravel how opinion polling is done today and what to watch for before believing everything you read or hear in the news

Have you grown weary, and yes, skeptical, of the polling data we are drowning in every night on the evening news?  You are not alone; but spending time with this overview course will help you gain a better understanding of what you are looking at in the future. 

Join Lynn as she guides us through “Public Opinion Polling Basics,” in an effort to help us better understand what we are seeing and hearing about polling results as we near the time to go out and vote for our next President of the United States. 

What to Expect: 

We will discuss why we have public opinion polls and the changes in how polling works today.  But importantly, Lynn will lead us through a discussion of accuracy in polling, why it is becoming harder to attain, why polling in the 2016 and 2020 elections was so wrong, and what we, as concerned citizens who want to be informed, should look for when we look at poll results.

Feedback from past courses Lynn has done for us:

“This was an informative, stimulating class on a very timely and critical global topic. The leader’s preparation and guided discussion skills were exemplary and each of us learned so much. This was a class that I’ll continue to reflect upon for years.”

“The discussion was organized, thorough, even-handed, and civil.  Very informative and helpful.  The participants aided the process and, I think, its productive results.”

“I found this course very informative. The reading materials are an excellent resource for future reading. Lynn is very knowledgeable in the subject area. Thanks!”

Session Recording

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Lynn Randle

Lynn Randle is a well-known contributor to Chesapeake Forum, moderating discussions on diverse, socially-relevant, subjects. She has spent her career studying human behavior and consulting with organizations interested in influencing behavior. Lynn has spent well over 40 years measuring the pulse of her client’s constituents and has waded through sea changes in how public opinion/market research data are gathered, analyzed and presented. She started her career conducting public opinion research at the highest levels in government before shifting from political to strategic market research to help government, academia, and corporate clients better understand the needs of their constituents. She holds undergraduate degrees in Journalism and Marketing, as well as post-graduate degrees in Political Geography and Communications Research.

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