Why is America so divided? Lynn will teach and moderate this course about the impact of social media on today’s culture. Where are we going? Where will we end up? How are we, as educated consumers of the news, to discern the truth? (Hint: It is no longer Walter Cronkite on the evening news…)

Lynn is back with her Impact of Social Media course that sold out last Winter Semester.  Instead of a single session, she has agreed to allow for more discussion by spreading the course into three sessions looking at:

1) How social media shapes public opinion and divides us 

2) The impact of social media’s hold on how we define the truth 

3) Public policy choices going forward that walk the fine line between clarifying and controlling. 

A class syllabus will be provided in advance.

Feedback from past courses with Lynn:

“Excellent. The use of film and video recordings made the program very professional. I encourage the use of this format again.”

“Loved this session on a prime topic of our day. The leader, Lynn Randle included a terrific syllabus and could have used many more sessions to delve further into separate aspects of the ever-changing and spreading reach of all forms of social media. This session should be offered as updated information we need each year!”

“Outstanding research, perfect 30 minute presentation, and great discussion from everyone. It couldn’t have been better!”

“The discussion was organized, thorough, even-handed, and civil. Very informative and helpful. The participants aided the process and, I think, its productive results.”

“Well done to the instructor whose effort to provide a fair balanced study workbook should be recognized. This a a wide-ranging subject that should be readdressed in the future by Chesapeake Forum.”

L Randle

Lynn Randle

Lynn Randle has spent her career advising politicians, government leaders, and businesses of the strategic communications needed to manage their position on issues. From this unique position, she has observed and operationalized the growing importance of understanding the impact of social media beyond the mainstream media channels of the past. Her experience from a range of positions in public service, Washington politics, and leading a privately-held boutique consulting firm has solidified a life-long interest in understanding social behavior and how it is influenced. Her educational background includes a Master’s Degree from Stanford University in Communications Research, as well as a Masters in International Relations. She studied marketing and journalism as an undergraduate at Cal State University.

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