Take the mystery out of making sourdough bread!  Learn the basics of making sourdough bread step by step.  

Jonathan will start by explaining what a sourdough starter is, then proceed to make the dough using the starter, developing the dough by kneading it and letting it rise, then baking the dough. The basic principles and jargon of the sourdough world will be explained, as well as any tools that are necessary.

What to Expect:

You will become familiar with the basic techniques of making sourdough bread, and the look and feel of the dough all along the process. At the end, a baked loaf of bread will be produced.  A sample of the sourdough starter will be provided to each student so they can begin immediately to make their own bread.

Feedback from Jonathan’s last class:

“Enjoyed the class and am looking forward to making some bread!”

“It was a great class. The instructors had a lot of passion and energy. I would recommend the class.”

“Compliments to the instructors for sharing their expertise in making sourdough bread. They were well prepared and offered a complete tutorial that culminated in a baked loaf of sourdough bread.  I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning how to make sourdough bread.”

Jonathan burbank 2

Jonathan Burbank

Jonathan Burbank has been baking bread for over 40 years, but began baking sourdough in 2020. It is almost the only bread he now eats, and he bakes about two times a week.

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