During the course, Bev will focus on critical analysis of two or three short stories linked together thematically.  No emphasis will be given to FSF’s life in order to avoid speculation as to how events of his life may have influenced his rendering of the stories.

A reading list will be provided ahead of time.

Feedback from past courses with Bev:

“Enjoyed discussions in all of the sessions. Never enough time to discuss all of the short stories. Would sign up again.”

“I have never been good at parsing stories such as we were studying ( I was terrible at English term papers in college), so it was beneficial to me to hear others analyze Hemingway’s stories.”

“I appreciated the dialogue and vigorous participation of the class.”


Bev Williams

Bev Williams has taught English for high school and middle school with a focus on composition, grammar, literature, vocabulary, as well as strategies for study and retention. He has also taught Math through pre-algebra, and in August 2019, gave a Faulkner Presentation at the Talbot County Free Library in Easton. An English teacher at the Landon School (Bethesda), the National Cathedral School (Washington, DC), the Lovett School (Atlanta), and the Wakefield School (The Plains), Bev has also been a guest lecturer at Episcopal High School (Alexandria, VA) from 1989-2009. He holds a BA as well as an MA in English at: University of Virginia (Charlottesville).

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