As seniors, we are a key target of cyber criminals. Bad people attack us via email, web sites, phone calls, and even text messages with the average loss in scams targeted at seniors estimated to be more than $16,000. This one-session class discusses steps we can take to evaluate potential scams and to keep our online experiences safe. New emerging internet scams will also be presented. 

What to Expect:  This course will teach us how to identify potential scams, and keep our online experiences safe from some of the latest and most creative internet scams.                                                                                                                                               

Feedback from Larry’s last course:

Excellent detailed history of many notable cyberwarfare attacks. Also excellent description of the different forms of attacks that today. Great primer for anyone interested in the subject.”


“I found the information on cybersecurity very interesting and pertinent.  Since I don’t know anything about this topic, it is all new and fascinating. Thank you!”


Lawrence Rudner, Ph.D.

Lawrence Rudner, Ph.D. has taught Chesapeake Forum classes on artificial Intelligence and cyberwarfare. He also teaches oyster gardening through the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. He retired as the Senior Vice President for Research and Development at the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC®), sponsor of the GMAT® exam, where he was responsible for the Psychometric Research as well as the Market Research and Analysis Divisions. Prior to joining GMAC®, he was the Director of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, a Senior Fellow at the American Institutes for Research (a contract research firm), a Senior Associate in the US Government, and a faculty member at several universities.

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