Understanding composition is one of the foundations to creating successful images. This course will cover several aspects of composition such as the Rule of Thirds, horizon placement, point of view, and lines as well as other approaches to composition that will help you on your journey of improvement. 

We will do this by looking at examples of the principles and discuss them for an understanding. There are two requirements for participation – a working knowledge of your camera (whether it’s a DSLR or a smartphone) and a desire to improve your images.

Norm bell

Norm Bell

Norman Bell is a landscape photographer who uses natural light and texture to create eye-catching compositions. His most recent work has been produced utilizing digital imaging and printing techniques. Norm is primarily a self-taught photographer. He became interested in photography as a child and began developing and printing black and white photographs as a teenager, learning by reading magazines and manuals. Norm’s education and career choices diverted him from photography for a period of time. He resumed his study of photography in the early eighties, finally concentrating on landscape photography in the mid-nineties. He took courses at Cecil County Community College, Delaware College of Art and Design, and the Maine Photography Workshops in Rockport, Maine. His work has been exhibited in juried shows in Delaware and Maryland, has been accepted in international juried shows, and has been purchased for private collections. He has also been designated a Master Artist in Delaware for “a refined original vision with prodigious technical skills and dedication to clean execution.”

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