What the heck is Winter Sowing and how or why would you do this? Learn how this process sets you up for success in this fun interactive course.
Fall is the perfect time to start planning your Spring Garden and let nature do all the work for you through the cold season! A great way to enjoy the early fruits of your labor is by sowing seeds of your favorite flowering plants in the winter.
Join Lynn as she shares her firsthand experiences with winter sowing of native plant seeds. In this engaging and educational course, you’ll discover the “old-fashioned” art of planting by seed. Explore topics such as materials, optimal timing, conditions, and sourcing of high-quality seeds. Gain practical insights into what works and what doesn’t, and set yourself on a path toward successful winter sowing. Let’s cultivate a greener world together!
No green thumb needed. Just a little common sense, and at the end of this single-session course, you will leave with a container all set and ready to go with the provided seeds.
What to Expect:
You will learn a super easy and affordable way to approach winter sowing that does not require dozens of big milk jugs all over your patio or deck. AND you will take home a container you create in class that will be all ready to moisten and add seeds next Winter with the seeds provided or your own seeds harvested during the Fall.
Feedback from past classes with Lynn:
“Lynn gave us so much information on native plants, I’ll be using it as a reference for years to come. More importantly, she changed the way I look at my garden.”
“Good information provided. Answers thorough and well researched.
“If I could have given this class more than 5 stars I would have. It was informative and inspirational. Wish I had more property to plant everything we discussed.”
Please note: your registration fee includes the cost of materials for creating your own winter sowing container.