Have you been back to Poplar Island recently to see the results of their renovation efforts? Our Field Trip back to Poplar Island last Fall sold out in a day and left many stranded in their effort to join in.  We were able to schedule two trips for the Spring, so register soon to guarantee your seat!   

Check your calendar for April 11 or June 9 and plan on meeting us out at the Tilghman Island Dock at 9 am.  

The Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island is an environmental restoration project located in the Chesapeake Bay in Talbot County, Maryland.  

Join Kristina Motley, Senior Environmental Specialist, to examine why the Poplar Island project is such a successful model of reuse. This environmental restoration project relies on dredged material collected from the approach channels to the Baltimore Harbor to restore lost remote island habitat within the Chesapeake Bay. This results in restoration of almost 400 acres of wetland habitat where more than 400 different species of wildlife have been documented and more than 30 different birds have been confirmed as nesting. Join us to learn about this unique story of continuing habitat victories.

Our trip to Poplar Island will leave from the Maryland Environmental Service Tilghman Island dock (turn left on Chicken Point Road right after crossing the bridge) at 9 am. The trip includes a 30-minute boat ride to the island, a 2-hour bus tour with stops at points of interest, including a visit to the project display room (with bathroom facilities), and a 30-minute boat ride back. The tour covers a variety of topics pertaining to Poplar Island including the beneficial use of dredged material for habitat restoration, salt-marsh habitat, island history, and construction timeline.

What to Expect:  Learn how the project was implemented to save an island in the Chesapeake Bay that had been eroded down to almost nothing. Today, the island is in the late stages of being restored to a natural habitat. See and hear how this was done and learn more about the inhabitants of this “little island that could!”  

FIELD TRIP to Poplar Island from the Maryland Environmental Service Tilghman Island Dock (turn left on Chicken Point Road right after crossing the bridge onto Tilghman Island)

2 trips to choose from | Tuesday, April 11 or Friday, June 9 | 9 am–noon | $20

Feedback from Kristina’s field trip last Fall:

“Highly recommended for all to see that our federal and state taxes are being used to accomplish great things.”

“Kristina was remarkably well informed on so many topics related to Poplar Island …from plants/grasses to birds/fish/4-legged animals to history to geology.  Can’t wait for our next trek to Poplar Island.”

“The last time we visited Poplar Island, it looked like a construction zone.  Now we can see what the vision is!  And what a great job this project is doing for the environment of the bay!  BRAVO!  Kristina and her guests from the University of Maryland did a great job answering our questions and explaining what they have learned as they go.”

Kristina motley

Kristina Motley

Kristina Motley, was our guide for the Fall Tour of Poplar Island and is a Senior Environmental Specialist (SES) with the Maryland Environmental Service (MES), where she has worked on the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island for four and a half years. As an SES on Poplar Island, her work is focused on outreach, including conducting in-person onsite tours, offsite lectures and events, school programming, and online content creation. A Maryland native, Kristina received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geography: Track in Environmental Studies from Slippery Rock University and a Certificate in Geographic Information Systems from Pennsylvania State University. She is also a Maryland Certified Master Naturalist and a Certified Interpretive Guide through the National Association of Interpretation. In her free time, she enjoys reading a good book at home with her two cats and is an on-call volunteer with Owl Moon Raptor Center which helps capture, transport, and release rehabilitated raptors.

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