Chesapeake College’s Health Professions 

Get a peek behind the scenes at how Chesapeake College trains the region’s health care workers

This Valentine’s Day join us and get to the heart of healthcare – where it all begins – on location in Chesapeake College’s Health Professions labs. 

We’ll take a guided tour of the College’s state-of-the-art facilities and see their simulation labs and learning spaces – some of the best on the East Coast. 

From nurses to paramedics, radiology technicians to dental assistants, come get a look behind the scenes at how we train many of the region’s health care workers. After our tour, enjoy lunch – compliments of the Chesapeake College Foundation – and participate in a moderated discussion about the joys and challenges of educating those who take care of us all. 

What to Expect:  Learn about the challenges and joys of educating health care workers in more than 14 different programs while engaging with the technology that is now vital to training health care workers in a rural area.  There will be an optional tour of the campus after lunch, from 1 – 2 pm.

Directions:  Participants should enter the campus from Chesapeake College’s main entrance off of MD Route 213.  Parking Map

Once you’ve entered campus:

–  Stop at the stop sign and proceed STRAIGHT around the circle in front of the HPAC building.

–   Arrive at another stop sign inside the HPAC circle where you will proceed straight to enter Lot A. Park anywhere in Lot A (with solar panels)

–  We will meet in the lobby of HPAC building (the building directly in front of Lot A)

Amber Mcginnis

Amber McGinnis

Amber McGinnis has been working for Chesapeake College for 16 years, formerly as an assistant professor of communication and director of the College's Honors Program, and now as the director of development and executive director of the Chesapeake College Foundation. In her current role with the College, Ms. McGinnis oversees Chesapeake's overall funding priorities and resource development and also manages all fundraising for the Chesapeake College Foundation, a 501c3 organization. Having taught hundreds of healthcare students at the College over the years, she has had a unique perspective into the pipeline of health care workers here on the Shore. She obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications from Towson University and a Master of Arts in Publications Design from the University of Baltimore. Ms. McGinnis resides in Cambridge with her husband and two children.

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