Join Raymond as he turns his focus on the intriguing lives and careers of selected Vice Presidents from the 20th century. This course is the final chapter in his comprehensive series, offering a deep dive into the often overlooked but fascinating world of Vice Presidents.
Learn about the extraordinary life of a Vice President who was three-eighths Native American, born on a reservation, and advocated the assimilation of Native Americans. Explore the pivotal role played by another Vice President in the adoption of critical legislation during times of national crisis. Discover a Vice President who courageously expressed open disagreement with the policies of the President and his Administration. Then there is the rich historical background of former Maryland Governor Spiro Agnew. Known for his infamous corruption and subsequent resignation, Agnew’s story serves as a cautionary tale and adds depth to our exploration of Vice Presidents in the 20th century.
What to Expect: Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning experience where you’ll expand your knowledge of the impact of Vice Presidents from the 20th century. Gain valuable insights into their lives, careers, as well as their historical significance and contributions to the development of the modern Vice Presidency.
Feedback from Parts I and II of this course:
“Very interesting and complicated topic that was clearly presented (the slides were fantastic). Enjoyed it very much – very stimulating. Raymond is a born teacher. I look forward to his future presentations.”
“Ray’s presentation was well researched, organized and presentation tracked well with slides making it easy to follow.”
“I love Ray Vergne’s presentations! Although I majored in American history in college, I learn so much from him.”
Here are your recordings of CF course: Buckets of Warm Spit III: 20th Century Vice Presidents
Handouts Folder (Includes Week 3 handouts)