Discussing favorite books is a great way to make new friends, but with many book clubs it can be difficult to become a part of the group.  Join “Books with Friends” in a monthly exploration of favorite books to share among an inclusive group of Forum friends.

Now starting our tenth month, “Books with Friends” is proving an easy way to jump in and be a part of the discussion about interesting reads.  Participants are asked to recommend books that have been especially memorable.  Final selection of books to read for the semester includes all participants.

Books discussed so far have included Horse: a Novel, American Dirt; The Paris Architect; March: a Novel; Remarkable Creatures; American Ramble; A Gentleman from Moscow; and All the Light We Cannot See.  Be Mine by Richard Ford is scheduled for January. 

Anyone with a love of books and a desire to participate in discussions about books is welcome.  Be sure to register for this semester’s “Books with Friends” so that you get updates and reminders!

What to Expect:  Course leader Lynn Randle moderates each session of “Books with Friends” in an in-depth and lively exploration of the insights developed in each book. Reading the book in advance of each session is strongly recommended so we can enjoy the most meaningful discussion.  Background material and discussion questions are sent out prior to each session.  You will meet readers from all over the Delmarva Peninsula and as far away as Williamsburg.

Feedback from earlier sessions:

“Loved this course. While I didn’t always have time to read the book, I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the discussions and meeting new people.  Thanks Lynn!”

“I felt that the moderator, Lynn Randle, did extensive research on the books that spurred more discussion.  Very enjoyable.”

“Thank you for the engaging conversation!”

Zoom program (no recording) 3 sessions | Thursdays | January 25, February 29, March 28 | 1 – 2:30 pm | No charge

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Lynn Randle

Lynn Randle spent much of her career moderating discussions among her clients’ key constituents on a number of topics and covering a number of industries. An avid reader of fiction, Lynn loves losing herself in a well-written book of substance and welcomes the opportunity to share books of the sort that stick with you over time.

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