Getting older is not easy – on us, or on our partners!  We’ve asked Judi to come back with TWO sessions this semester to give us all a little more time to absorb her wealth of knowledge.  

Session 1: Judi will provide us with information on how typical aging and hearing loss affects receptive and expressive communication.  She will share ideas that support and enhance communication skills for both patients with challenges, as well as their loved ones and caregivers.

Session 2: Judi will follow up on Dr. Broussard’s September 20th course based on the perspective of a stroke survivor with more information on how neurological challenges like stroke, aphasia, and dysarthria can also impact our communication skills.  Again in this session, she will share ideas that support and enhance communication skills for both patients with challenges, as well as their loved ones and caregivers. 

Feedback from Judi’s past course:

“Excellent. Learned a lot. Consider expanding time or sessions.”

“The speaker had a well-planned presentation.”

“This was a great presentation that many of us should take again.  Needs two sessions instead of just one.”

Course Links:

Session 1

Session 2


Judith Cornette, M.Ed, SLP/CCC

Judith Cornette attained a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Buffalo in the area of Speech & Language Pathology. She attained a Master’s Degree in Education with a specialty in Speech & Language Pathology from the University of Virginia. She maintains a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the National Association of Speech, Hearing, and Language. She is also a certified Mindfulness Instructor; a certified Assistive Technologist with a specialty in assisted communication; and a certified Trainer of Trainees in TEACCH with a specialty in neurological challenges in the area of communication. Judi has worked as a Speech & Language Pathologist (SLP) specializing in the treatment of communication differences with typical and non-typical neuro-developmental children and adults for the past 49 years. Her passion is improving and supporting life-long communication skills.

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