Communication skills and needs change as we age – whether due to natural aging or neurological challenges.  Judi will address some of the challenges and ways to support continued purposeful communication skills.

Join Judi as she presents information on how typical aging and hearing loss can affect receptive and expressive communication skills and will share ideas that support and enhance communication skills for both patients with challenges and their loved ones/caregivers.


Judith Cornette, M.Ed, SLP/CCC

Judith Cornette, M.Ed, SLP/CCC attained a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Buffalo in the area of Speech & Language Pathology. She attained a Master’s Degree in Education with a specialty in Speech & Language Pathology from the University of Virginia. Judi maintains a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the National Association of Speech, Hearing, and Language. Judi is also a certified Mindfulness Instructor; a certified Assistive Technologist with a specialty in assisted communication; and a certified Trainer of Trainees in TEACCH with a specialty in neurological challenges in the area of communication. Judi has worked as a Speech & Language Pathologist, (SLP) specializing in the treatment of communication differences with typical and non-typical neuro- developmental children and adults for the past 49 years. She has been a private practitioner at Communicate! for 41 years. Her passion is improving and supporting life-long communication skills.

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