Course Library

All Chesapeake Forum Library Courses are available FREE OF CHARGE.  After clicking the “Course Details” button to open a course, you will find the YouTube links for the course session(s), and in newer courses, links to any handouts that might have been provided, at the bottom of the course description. Simply click the link(s) to get to the YouTube Video recording.


  • Topics

Engineering Trip To Usna 2
Us Navy In Civil War
Public Opinion Polling
COURSE IS NOW OVER, BUT THE RECORDING IS STILL AVAILABLE! Join Pickering Creek Audubon Center naturalist, Harrison Jackson, for a dive into the strange aquatic animals that live in the Chesapeake and coastal bays of Maryland.
What Is Mind
We will explore answers to these questions: What is the mind? What is wrong with typical answers to this question? Is there a better answer? Why is this important? Join us for a discussion as we explore the mind.
Dr. Pepukayi with TCPS kids
Democracy 2
Why Is Life
Join us as we conclude our spring semester course, Why is Life? We'll continue our discussion of the latest findings and theories about the nature of life, its origins on earth, and the universe.
Tubman Museum
COURSE IS NOW OVER, BUT THE RECORDING IS STILL AVAILABLE! The Maryland Parks Service describes the landscape of Harriet Tubman’s early years as “virtually unaltered.” Join Phil, co-author of “The Old Home Is Not There,” on a sweep through Dorchester as he looks for continuity and change.
Conservation Gardening 3
Golden Year Guide
Ymos Web Page Illustration