Interested in attracting pollinators to your garden?  The idea of “conservation landscaping” to provide habitat for local and migratory birds, butterflies and other beneficials is gaining interest. We can all be a part of this positive trend in gardening, while at the same time solving some of the chronic problems that common ornamental plant choices present.

Join Lynn and special guest Maryland Master Naturalist Susan Hauser in a three-course program with field trips designed to ignite your interest in the need to find suitable native plants to add to your landscape to support your favorite pollinators, and perhaps replace plants from foreign habitats – plants that, while pretty, serve no benefit to the biodiversity of your home setting.

We will focus on the habitat of the Eastern Shore region and the unique solutions that native plant options can provide when puzzling over how to “perk up” your landscape with care-free selections that will survive from year to year while providing a positive habitat for pollinators. 

Week 1:  Why natives?  We will look at the benefits and solutions offered by using plantings that are native to our area.  We’ll take a field trip to the home of Ginna Tiernan, Executive Director of Adkins Arboretum, in the historic part of Easton, on April 21, from 10–11:30 am, the Friday following class.

Week 2:  Attracting pollinators and birds.  We’ll take a field trip to the home of Master Gardener Marilyn Reedy, in the historic part of Easton, on April 28, from 10–11:30 am the Friday following class.

Week 3:  What natives offer throughout the four seasons.  We’ll take a field trip to Mt. Cuba Center on May 5 from 9 am–4 pm, the Friday following class. There will be a group tour of the gardens followed by a lunch break, then a private lecture focused on Native Plants for all Seasons. (Sign up for the Mt. Cuba Field Trip separately.)

What to Expect:  This course is intended for gardeners in all stages of learning. Beginners to experts are welcome! No matter your knowledge level, this course will teach you the benefits of using plants that are native to our area as additions to your home landscapes, and you will learn from other area gardeners who have put conservation gardening into practice.  We will also be sharing numerous course handouts with you to help as references in the future.

Please Note:  The May 5 field trip for this course is the Mt. Cuba Field Trip and requires separate registration (see course listing for Mt. Cuba Field Trip).  

Feedback from past native plant courses led by Lynn:

If I could have given Lynn’s native plant class more than 5 stars I would have.  It was informative and inspirational. Wish I had more property to plant everything we discussed. This is a great class. I learned a lot.  I especially loved the field trips. What an excellent, excellent, class!”   

Thank you. Excellent program – especially the inclusion of field trips!”

Learned a lot. Wonderful course. Excellent Spring Program!!!  Repeat next year!”

Lynn randle

Lynn Randle

Lynn Randle is an avid and determined native plant gardener who has used natives extensively in landscape designs over the past 20 years in a variety of climate zones. A native of Santa Rosa, California, Lynn later spent a number of years moving every few years in government and business positions where she gained a taste for planning landscapes large (horse ranch) to small (condo decks and patios) wherever she went.

Sue hauser website pix

Susan Hauser

Sue Hauser is a Maryland Master Naturalist who after a career as an engineer, finds an appreciation of nature’s systems and the importance of feedback, adaptability, and having all components of the system in place.

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