Explore a world-class scientific marine research laboratory through a behind-the-scenes tour of the Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) and Oyster Hatchery.

Tours of the Horn Point Laboratory are led by the post-Graduate students studying at HPL. Throughout the tour, the students will share their personal research and its role in the science of the Chesapeake Bay, their professional passion, and their career goals as they study to become the next generation of environmental leaders.

The 90-minute walking campus tour will give you a new perspective on how scientists are conducting research to restore the Chesapeake Bay and you’ll see how individuals and families can take action as stewards and co-restorers of our “national treasure.” You will explore the importance of oysters in the Atlantic Coast’s largest hatchery, along with physical oceanography, coastal resilience, water quality, and more.

Meet the enthusiastic next generation of environmental leaders by spending time with HPL graduate students as our tour guides. Bring a bag lunch and enjoy lunch with your guides outside under the pavilion.

What to Expect: This visit will teach you the following:

  • The role within the Bay of physical oceanography, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), dead zones, and all the components as an ecosystem.
  • The impact of oyster restoration, the story of the Atlantic sturgeon, marsh restoration, and enhancing coastal resilience.
  • Identification of key Bay species and their interrelationships.
  • Science’s role in addressing the environmental challenges present in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
  • An oyster’s life from spawn to spat-on-shell, ready for release onto a restoration site.

PLEASE NOTE:  The Horn Point Laboratory is located at 2020 Horns Point Road, just outside of Cambridge, in Dorchester County.  Tour participants are responsible for getting there on time for the start of the tour.

Directions from Easton:

  • Step One: Coming into Cambridge, you will cross the Choptank River bridge. Go one block and turn right onto Maryland Avenue. Go through the light. Cross the drawbridge. Stay straight going through another light until you come to a “T” at Gay Street. You will see an old firehouse straight ahead. Turn left. Go one block to a light at Race Street. Your landmark is a store named Sunnyside in front of you. Turn left on Race. At the third stop light turn right onto Washington Street. (Rte 343).
  • Step Two: Stay on this road for about 3 miles. The road will come to a V at a little store. Look for the UMCES sign on the right side of the road and bear right on Horns Point Road. Continue for about 1.5 miles. The entrance to the lab is flanked by two statues of sheep. Come in the lane. Turn at the first right at Coastal and Estuarine Sciences and Horn Point Offices sign. In front of the building on your left you will see visitor parking spaces and the entry into the building by the heron sculpture.

IN PERSON at Horn Point Lab and Oyster Hatchery

Friday | May 12 | 10–11:30 am | $20

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