Join in on engaging conversations regarding the world’s most challenging geopolitical issues.

Rich Harrison and Bob DeGour are back for Chesapeake Forum’s Great Decisions discussion of world affairs.  Known for their deft moderation of in-depth discussions, the two have been teaming up to run the popular discussion group since 2017.

The 2025 topics include: 

  • After Gaza: American policy in the Middle East 
  • American foreign policy at a crossroads
  • USA’s changing leadership of the world economy 
  • USA-China relations 
  • International cooperation on climate change 
  • The future of NATO and European security 
  • AI and American National Security 
  • India: between China, the West, and the Global South 

What to Expect:  At the end of the day, participants leave with a greater appreciation of one another’s views, but importantly, gain an unfailing depth of understanding of world issues rarely making it into the national news.

NOTE:  Cost for the course includes the briefing book produced by the Foreign Policy Association.

Feedback from earlier sessions:

“Excellent discussions. Always something to learn, discuss, and debate in a congenial atmosphere.”

“Topics and discussions were interesting, relevant, and informative. The facilitators did a great job of including all attendees in the discussions and providing meaningful background.”

“Interesting and relevant topics …great background videos and informative background data. Well managed and interesting open discussion among knowledgeable class participants.”

Rich Harrison

Rich Harrison

Rich Harrison is the retired Director of Research & Development for Baltimore Aircoil Co., a worldwide manufacturer of evaporative cooling equipment and ice thermal storage equipment. During his 39 years at BAC, he developed numerous innovative components of those products and received ten patents. He has a bachelor’s degree from Virginia Tech and a master’s degree from Purdue University. He resided in Columbia, Maryland, for 32 years and then found the light of the Eastern Shore.

Bob degour

Bob DeGour

Bob DeGour is Senior Advisor to the annual Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference and moderates the Conference’s roundtable on current strategic issues impacting the United States. Bob is a 1973 U.S. Naval Academy graduate and was the first midshipman to study concurrently in a civilian university post-graduate program. His classified thesis focused on socio-political systems in Pre-WWII Germany, the Soviet Union, and the People's Republic of China. He served in the Navy Intel community before transitioning to the private sector.

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