THIS COURSE IS NOW OVER. Do you find yourself wondering what you are missing when all you seem to use your smart phone for is to make and take phone calls?  Unlock the mysteries of your smart phone in this session geared just for you!  Learn how you should be securing the personal data kept on your phone, how to sync your email across all platforms, how to text and pick up voice mail, and how to use the basic photo and video editing capabilities of smart phones to your advantage. Make sure you have your phone set up for the best functionality with helpful hints the cell phone stores don’t show you!  

Cut through the confusion of new features to focus on what matters most to you in this 90-minute session of personalized instruction and turn the tables on the grandkids! Current COVID requirements will be followed.  Enrollment is Limited to 10.

This course will take place using the computer lab at Jason’s Computer Services in Easton 

Single Session | Saturday | Sept. 11 | 10:00 – 11:30 am | $10

Jason lee

Jason Lee

Jason Lee, is the owner of Jason’s Computer Services, has a degree in Applied Sciences in Computer Science, as well as many specialized degrees in the computer science field – including a MCP, NET+, CCNA, and MCSE. With over 20 years of experience, Jason has built a team of associates with the highly developed skills, experience, and professionalism needed to help clients solve a vast array of tech challenges. He was the winner of the Eastern Shore Best award for the past four years.

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