A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity. Deeply moving exhibits and educational interactions illuminate Jewish history and experiences.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is America’s national institution for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust history, and serves as this country’s memorial to the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust.
The Museum’s primary mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge about this unprecedented tragedy; to preserve the memory of those who suffered; and to encourage its visitors to reflect upon the moral and spiritual questions raised by the events of the Holocaust as well as their own responsibilities as citizens of a democracy.
Spanning three floors, the self-guided Permanent Exhibition, The Holocaust, offers a chronological narrative of the Holocaust through historical artifacts, photographs, and film footage. Throughout the exhibition, visitors will also encounter personal objects and the eyewitness testimonies of individual survivors. Viewing this exhibition takes 1-3 hours. Other current exhibits include Americans and the Holocaust (45 min), Burma’s Path to Genocide (30 min), Remember the Children: Daniel’s Story (30 min), American Witnesses (30 min), and One Thousand and Seventy-eight Blue Skies (10 min).

We will meet at Easton Fire House and leave by bus promptly at 9 am. Price includes bus trip, admission, and gratuities. There is no rest room service on this bus. You can pack a lunch or snacks for the ride or stop by the Museum Restaurant.
The bus holds a maximum of 25, so register early for this amazing experience. Whether your first visit, or one of many, you are sure to be humbled by this view of the past.
What to expect: You will learn how the Holocaust and the Museum have inspired the World to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.

FIELD TRIP to the Holocaust Museum. Bus LEAVES from the Easton Fire House at 315 Aurora Park Dr Easton at 9 am sharp.
Wednesday | Feb 1 | 9 am – 4:30 pm | $65

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Yuan Liu, Ph.D.

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